In this mini-episode of 'Rabbit Hole of Research,' Joe, Georgia, and Nick dive back into the simulation hypothesis (Episode 26). The discussion includes a clarification of a reference to the 'St. Elsewhere' finale, analysis of the 'Lemon Girl' video as potential evidence of a simulation glitch, and reader comments on the complexity of the natural world as an argument against the simulation hypothesis. They also touch on the double-slit experiment, Schrodinger's cat, and the debut of the TGL simulated golf season. Other topics include recommended books and a brief discussion of movies related to simulations.
Note: Both Nick and Georgia were recovering from a cold—so their voices are a little scratchy.
Books we are reading
Things mentioned in the Episode to check out:
Movie: Vivarium (2019)
Movie: Transcendence (2014)
TV show: St. Elsewhere (1982-1988)
YouTube Video:Lemon girl video
TGL golf season—simulated golf league
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artwork by Georgia Geis @atomicnumber14
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