The Rabbit Hole of Research
Rabbit Hole of Research
Episode 16.1 the b-side: Ultimate Alien Invasions, Panspermia, and Jeff Goldblum.

Episode 16.1 the b-side: Ultimate Alien Invasions, Panspermia, and Jeff Goldblum.

This is a companion episode to Episode 16. We talk about Jeff Goldblum, Sigourney Weaver, Will Smith, Starship Troopers, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Thundercats, and are we made of alien stuff?

Welcome to the Footnotes of the B-sides! In this mini episode,Joe and Nick discuss their recent movie and TV show viewings including the new Alien movie, 'Parasite' and 'Umbrella Academy Season 4'. They also revisit their 'Ultimate Alien Actor' debate, discussing contenders like Jeff Goldblum, Sigourney Weaver, and Will Smith. They delve into concepts of alien invasions in popular culture from 'Starship Troopers' to 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' and 'Thundercats'. The episode ends with a tease for the next episode, urging fans to send in comments and questions.

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artwork by

Georgia Geis @atomic_number14


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And you know, a RHR episode wouldn’t be complete without show notes (footnotes): that’s right, like the main event, the mini episode, also has show notes. Curated with time stamps, you’ll find exposition and links to help you explore topics on your own. Have fun!

Episode 16.1-the b-side footnotes

And if you didn’t listen to Episode 15 check it out here:

Don’t forget to Rate the show!

artwork by Georgia Geis @atomicnumber14


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The Rabbit Hole of Research
Rabbit Hole of Research
Our goal is to have fun learning science through the lens of science fiction, fantasy, and pop-culture. We will start in one place and let the conversation lead us down the winding scenic road exploring the science in science fiction, separating the facts from the Handwavium. We’ll have a little fun and you’ll learn a few facts you can use to impress your friends at a party or use as a conversation starter to go down your own rabbit holes.