Jotham’s Substack
Rabbit Hole of Research
Episode 4: Giant Animals

Episode 4: Giant Animals

What makes an animal a giant animal, Godzilla, giant insects, whales, do you believe in magic, and growing giant tilapia in my basement.

Hello Rabbit Hole of Research Fam! Hope you're all doing well. Here is Episode Four (Nick and Joe talk about Giant Animals in movies and fiction). Before we delve too far down the Rabbit Hole, I want to thank you for tuning in. Special thanks to those who listened to the first three episodes and came back for more. And if this is your first episode, we hope you enjoy it. Our goal is to have a little fun exploring science through the lens of science fiction, fantasy, and pop culture. In this episode, we explore the science of regular-sized animals becoming giant. We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to leave a comment, review, and tell a friend!

FYI about the audio—I did not put Nick in the corner. LOL. Nick called in, which is why it sounds like he is talking into a can.

Expanded show notes.

Episode 4 Show Notes

Art by Georgia Geis @atomic_number14

Let us know how we did and connect with us:

What’s your favorite animal?

What’s your favorite giant animal movie?

Favorite color?

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Jotham’s Substack
Rabbit Hole of Research
Our goal is to have fun learning science through the lens of science fiction, fantasy, and pop-culture. We will start in one place and let the conversation lead us down the winding scenic road exploring the science in science fiction, separating the facts from the Handwavium. We’ll have a little fun and you’ll learn a few facts you can use to impress your friends at a party or use as a conversation starter to go down your own rabbit holes.